There are altogether Nine challenges right now . I like to thanks @TheNittam for giving me ideas , @rigotechnology for bringing up the challenges.
The Flag have a structure of Hack{flag_is_here}Back. I request to you that, please first visit the ctf url and play it, and then come back here :)
"This is the writeups of the solution of nepal's first ethical hacking competition --> The hackback #hackback "
"This is the writeups of the solution of nepal's first ethical hacking competition --> The hackback #hackback "
SOLUTION : Guess the flag !!! (10 pts) :
Hint : You know who is the best hacker in the World? , The one that guess passwords correctly.No chances of brute forcing the flags , and then i manually tried to submit the flags using some common passwords.
- Hack{admin}Back
- Hack{admin123}Back
- Hack{root}Back
- Hack{toor}Back
- Hack{hackback}Back
- Hack{hackback123}Back
And yes, the flag is : Hack{hackback123}Back
SOLUTION : Client Side Verification Sucks (10pts) :
After browsing : , there is a form where we need to submit the correct value and after seeing the source code we get to know that, the value is stored in solve variable.
I open the console :
after inputting the solve value in the form ,
voila !!! the flag is : hack{client_s1de_not_sO_good}back
So, as you can see the flag is hidden in pyc file.
Python automatically compiles your script to compiled code, so called byte code, before running it. When a module is imported for the first time, or when the source is more recent than the current compiled file, a .pyc file containing the compiled code will usually be created in the same directory as the .py file.
I found that this .pyc file is generated from .py file using python 3.x , and the best friend of hacker is google . I search about decompiling the python compiled code and i found this git.
C++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
If you have problem , don't to how to make this work :
> apt-get install cmake
> cmake ~/git/pycdc
> make
> ./pycdc ~/Documents/analysis/hackback/easypeasy.pyc >>
then view the code : yes, you will find the flag there :)
Flag is : hack{f@c3b00k|-|ack3r}back
MYTH - Obfuscation helps prevent Hackers (50pts)
Seriously at first this challenge was pain in the ass to me because i am just now learning js , I loved to thanks @thenittam for giving me hints here.
SOLUTION : Christmas is not over yet (100pts) :
There is two forms, login and signing up.
First i signup without tampering the data and what i got is :
(A slang)
Now i tried to figure out what is happening here and i fire up the burp suite and intercept the register page and find out that there is u_roles param, which determines what type of user is signing up, Back there, when i logged in with normal user, i got ..!.. baba ji ka thullu ..!.. , and i thought let's see what would happen if i change param u_roles : admin, will i get the flag ?
And yes, after logged in , i can see the flag in secret.php
Flag is : hack{well_done_!!00@@}back
SOLUTION : Swag is the gateway to Swagi-Land (50pts) :
Hint : This is a personal website of
Snoop-Kukur(i.e:Snoop-Dog). Everyone knows how swaggy is snoop kukur.
Reveal all the swags of snoop-kukur for gatway to swagi-land.
There are like 3 images on the page and at first thought it was stenography, tried different methods and being failed. image= , i thought may be chances of lfi and tried methods like manually and using fuzzer , but still cannot get, and i leave it and planned to solve it later.
*le me after a day : The main challenge is where the images are loaded from , because while doing view image or trying to see the image link, you'll find something like :
Using No-Redirect addons, i got the path :
And yes, the 1.gif is being loaded from :
But now what? here comes the handy part. As we did in solution1 , we need to guess the flag. Thanks @abralxhrextha here :)
USING BRAIN : Flag is located here : /source/includes/flag.png
Flag is : hack{snoop_doge_lion_rocks!!@@}back
SOLUTION : Upcoming (Underconstructionpts) :
Player :
Sahi 😀